Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Thus far...

If someone told me that instructive technology was beneficial in the classroom, I would mostly agree with them. However, I would not know how I would actually incorporate this idea into my own practice besides basic iPad applications, Smart Boards and other more common technology. From this course I have been exposed to other outlets for good instructional technology. I have been able to make connections about how to integrate these tools for specific lessons and purposes rather than having this blank canvas of where to go with the tools I know. Specifically, I have learned how beneficial a class blog is for both students and parents and I have visited several class blogs on my own. This visiting helped me to take parts and pieces I liked from each blog so I can visualize how my own future class blog my look one day. I have also learned some amazing iPad applications to use in the classroom, such as educreation rather than visiting the app store and finding educational games than may not even have a strong educational focus.

An iPad alone is an amazing tool to have students take pictures of objects in and out of the room that can further their understanding about a topic. For example, if I had students to and take pictures of long i vowel sound words and later reviewed those pictures and noticed a specific student seemed to really miss the point of the lesson, I could revisit the concept with that student. I feel that I have a whole new world before me with so many tools that I had yet to be exposed to and now I am able to take advantage of all of them to benefit my own future students. I am excited to see what other new things I will learn in the weeks to come.

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